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Interactive Advertising

NeoCities has extensive advertising programs that can expose your products or services to millions of viewers every month. For example, our November 1996 Nielsen I/Pro audit report shows that we received:
  • 22 million visits/month
  • over 103 million page views/month
...and traffic to NeoCities continues to double every 3-4 months. NPD's PC-Meter recently ranked NeoCities as the 11th highest reach site on the web!

Let us know what your web-based marketing needs are. Of course we can help you if you are looking for a quick visibility boost with a high-volume banner advertising campaign. But what really sets NeoCities apart is our ability to design and host creative interactive marketing promotions that generate real visitor involvement with your brand -- as well as visibility and traffic for your business. Here is a list of some of the companies that have advertised in NeoCities.

For more information about NeoCities, contact our Advertising Sales team.

Information on ad banner production specifications.

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