Welcome to NeoCities Neighborhoods New Discord Chat Channels

NeoCities Neighborhoods has created some great new chat channels for you to experience. These new rooms are on our Discord Server, so you'll need to have a Discord account to enter them.

These new channels are a lot of fun. You can actually switch to one of several channels to chat with whomever you choose. You can also send private messages and it's a great way to meet some new people.


Join our new Discord Server and begin hanging out with your friends and neighbors

Select one of our 38 channels below.
Area51 Athens Baja
BourbonStreet Broadway CapeCanaveral
CapitolHill CollegePark Colosseum
EnchantedForest Eureka FashionAvenue
Heartland Hollywood HotSprings
MadisonAvenue MotorCity NapaValley
Nashville Paris Pentagon
Petsburgh RainForest ResearchTriangle
RodeoDrive SiliconValley SoHo
SouthBeach SunsetStrip TelevisionCity
TheTropics TimesSquare Tokyo
Petsburgh RainForest ResearchTriangle
Vienna WallStreet Wellesley
WestHollywood Yosemite

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